Monday, March 3, 2025
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Ways to SupportDesignating Your Gift

Designating Your Gift

Will or Trust

To name WPBS-TV as a beneficiary in your will or trust, you will need to include a provision that clearly expresses your charitable intentions. When making or revising a will, you should work with an attorney. The staff at WPBS would be pleased to work with you and your professional advisor(s) to design an estate plan specifically tailored to your wishes.

Beneficiary Designations

To name WPBS-TV as a primary or contingent beneficiary of a financial account and/or a life insurance policy, you will need our legal name, address and tax-identification number. To make the process easier, we are pleased to share some language for you and your advisor to consider. Suggested verbiage for making WPBS your beneficiary in your will, trust or policy: Outright bequest in will “I bequeath the sum of $__________________ (or legal description of property, percentage of estate, all/ or percentage of the remainder of your estate) to WPBS-TV, 1056 Arsenal Street, Watertown, NY 13601, for its general purposes (or for a designated purpose).” Conditional bequest in will “If (one or more individuals) does not survive me, I bequeath the sum of $__________________ to WPBS-TV, 1056 Arsenal Street, Watertown, NY 13601, for its general purposes (or for a designated purpose).”By clicking on the image below, you will be able to view and share this information. Let us know your plans, we want to thank you! The Hart Legacy Society was established to honor long-time WPBS members, Norm and Nancy Hart, who both decided to leave a legacy gift to WPBS with the intention of helping to continue strengthening the services that WPBS provides for our community. The following form allows us to add your name to our legacy wall, include your name in our annual report, and, most importantly, THANK YOU. There is also an option on the form to remain anonymous; this still allows us to show our appreciation and count you among our legacy donors. Please complete the WPBS Hart Legacy Society Enrollment Form. For more information, please contact Debbie Bleier, at 315-782-3142 ext. 279 or