Saturday, March 15, 2025
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HomeVideoNature Cat FULL EPISODES | Earth Day Today! / Earth Day Every...

Nature Cat FULL EPISODES | Earth Day Today! / Earth Day Every Day! | PBS KIDS

It’s Earth Day today! Hooray! To celebrate, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and Hal go on a nature hike over to Butterfly Hills. But they don’t get too far because they keep running into plastic bags blowing in the wind. Upon closer inspection, they see these plastic bags come from a local supermarket, so Nature Cat calls for a change in Earth Day plans. Now they will celebrate Earth Day by alerting the supermarket of their plastic bag problem! / With an earth-friendly alternative in place for the supermarket plastic bag problem, Nature Cat and his pals look to get back to their Earth Day hike celebration but are once again sidetracked. This time it’s by a plastic bottle floating in a stream. Trying to get this one plastic bottle out of nature and into a recycling can takes them on a perilous, action-packed journey through the waterways, ending up in the ocean where they see more plastic waste! But it’s also where they learn that Earth Day is every day.

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