Friday, September 6, 2024

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2024 WPBS Holiday Auction Donor Form

Showcase Your Business, Product or Service Online and on TV!

  • The WPBS Holiday Auction is right around the corner! It will kick off LIVE on Friday, November 15 and run through Sunday, November 17. It’s a great way to introduce your business to new audiences. With all bids being placed through the online platform, which boasts at least 3,000 bidders, it will greatly increase your company’s visibility, in addition to the exposure you’ll receive through our website and social media.
  • Getting involved is an excellent opportunity to reach over 650,000 households in Northern New York and Eastern Ontario as well as showcase your business and commitment to supporting educational public media. It’s also a great way to support our local community, celebrate a sense of pride and optimism among current and future local entrepreneurs AND support educational, entertaining and inspiring programming and outreach on WPBS-TV
  • It’s easy to participate:
  • • Choose an appropriate product and/or service that best represents your business.
  • • In addition to donating, you may choose to be an auction sponsor by contacting Marc Muglia.
  • • Submit items and/or gift certificates to the station by November 7, 2024 to receive maximum marketing exposure.
  • Contact Mike Ricca at or 315-782-3142 ext. 301 for more information. Thank you for considering supporting WPBS, we are still going strong because of partners like you!

Donor Levels & Benefits


$ 1,000+ (single item)
A 30-second video promoting your donation and business.

Two or more featured presentations during the series. Premium listing with links on all social and on-line platforms.


$ 500-999 (single item)
Your business featured four times during the series.

Premium listing with links on social and on- line platforms.


$ 250-499 (single item)
Your business featured three times during the series.

Premium listing with links on on-line platform


$ 50-249 (single item)
Your business featured once during auction.

Listing with link on on-line platform.
  • Please donate an item(s) that best represents your business and appeals to a large audience.
  • The more valuable your donation, the more on-air promotion and visibility you receive.
  • Donate early to receive maximum exposure.
  • All items are listed with your donor information on the virtual auction platform (ClickBid).

You Will Receive a Tax Reciept