Monday, February 17, 2025
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HomeVideoDaniel Tiger's Neighborhood FULL EPISODE | Daniel Gets Mad / Katerina Gets...

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood FULL EPISODE | Daniel Gets Mad / Katerina Gets Mad | PBS KIDS

“Daniel Gets Mad”
Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesday are very excited to play at the beach today. But then it rains, and Mom Tiger says they cannot play outside, making them very mad. Mom Tiger helps the boys deal with their mad feelings. Once they are calm, they can think clearly. They have a grr-ific plan to make an INSIDE beach!

“Katerina Gets Mad”
It’s New Instrument Day at Music Man Stan’s Music Shop. Everyone is excited, but Katerina Kittycat gets mad when someone else picks the instrument she wants to play. Music Man Stan helps guide Katerina through her mad feelings. He teaches everyone how to dance, stomp and sing their mad feelings away. This episode deals with mad feelings and offers the strategy- When you feel so mad that you want to ROAR…take a deep breath and count to four. 1…2…3…4…

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